Sunday, March 5, 2023

The rise and rise of sustainable fashion

 Before anything else, keep reading! Do you also know what it is, secondly? I had an idea, but I changed my mind and opted to delve further into a fashion feature that some people adore while I grimace, turn the page, and move on. Poor fashion, how it harms the environment. Shein, H&M, and Zara clothing is disposed of in landfills where it is not biodegradable. For the record, sustainable fashion is a word used to describe clothing, accessories, and other fashion items that are designed and produced in a manner that is socially and environmentally conscious.

The Maasai women who make the beaded items you buy are sustainable fashion practitioners. Your money empowers them and is invested.

According to certain definitions, sustainable fashion is environmentally friendly, made of recycled materials, and, like in the instance of Maasai beadwork, employs fair labor methods.

Slow fashion is the next option.

This trend promotes fashion that is sustainable and conscious. It is the antithesis of fast fashion and takes an ethical stance toward those involved in the supply chain in an effort to lessen pollution. Additionally, it can make you feel good about yourself.

Because it isn't really sustainable, sustainable fashion has an issue. The term implies anything that can be accomplished over a considerable amount of time. Long-term health and well-being are supported by the procedures and methods used in it. Add fashion, and trouble begins to brew.

Transparency is one of the principles of sustainable fashion. knowing the source of something's manufacture, whether it be the basic resources.

For instance, sweatshops are the devil of sustainable fashion. Fast access to products is made possible by cheap labor for brands. Additionally, it supports harmful behaviors including poor pay, excessive labor demands, and hazardous working conditions.

The former COO of Timberland, Kenneth Pucker, underlines in his piece The Illusion of Sustainable Fashion in the Harvard Business Review that perhaps it's time to "retire sustainability." But, we could also benefit from greater openness.

According to the book, corporations must "design a corporate structure that is regenerative" and "disclose their lobbying efforts, use their clout to affect constructive change." It is not very promising to let corporations handle the business of fashion. not even if submitting sustainability reports were required.

According to the Business of Fashion's Sustainability Report, businesses, in particular from the annual reports of 15 of the biggest fashion enterprises in the world, are essentially just talking about things they haven't yet taken action on.

"The findings indicate encouraging participation, yet the talk surrounding sustainability in the fashion industry frequently precedes companies' actual activities. Target-setting information is considerably easier to get than performance data or specific plans for strategic investments to achieve these goals. I have already argued in favor of the fashion industry's potential to boost the economy of the nation. The benchmark is GDP. But what if we substitute a different vetting mechanism for GDP? If, for example, we focused on happiness - (social, natural, economic and human capital)

According to Vogue, "Denim is known as one of the more resource-heavy, environmentally damaging items we buy, and the reason is simple: Denim is made from cotton—lots of cotton—and the majority of cotton is grown with harmful fertilizers and pesticides and requires enormous amounts of water to produce."

Let's go back to the deliberate pace. According to McKinsey, Americans purchase new clothing every five days on average. Three of the aforementioned garments will be discarded for every five new ones that are made. This is probably not our domain.

What Does Slow Fashion "Actually" Mean? was a question posed by Forbes. Producing clothing with timeless styles and top-notch durability is the solution. similar to a white t-shirt. Remember that a sock can only be made in so many variations.

In the meantime, sustainable fashion is good—at least in theory—because it accomplishes wonderful things like lowering carbon footprints, requiring less water, promoting fair wages, eliminating child labor, and—most importantly—enabling us to enjoy our interactions with and relationships to our clothes. It is probably more expensive than normal if you purchased something that is intended to endure at least two to five years. But, you won't have to change it out every six months in the long run.

I hope I've piqued your curiosity in slow fashion a little bit so that, on the odd event that you go shopping today, you might want to give it a shot.

The makings of successful social media influencers

 For those who can develop a strong following and successfully monetize their content, social media influence can be a lucrative job. On social media sites like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or Twitter, they develop a following. Some are well-liked and generate a respectable revenue from their events.

Influencers utilize their social media platforms to market companies, goods, or services to fans who respect their suggestions and opinions.

They might collaborate directly with brands to produce sponsored content or take part in affiliate marketing programs where they get paid to promote goods and services.

Social media influencers may provide content about their interests or passions, such as fashion, beauty, travel, food, or fitness, in addition to marketing goods and services. Via comments, direct messages, and live streams, they frequently interact with their followers, forging strong bonds with their community.

Social media influencers' earnings can vary significantly depending on a number of variables, including their niche, the size of their audience, and the level of engagement they receive from it.

A strategic design communication company in Kenya called DesignCrew says that if you have 100,000 followers, you can earn between Sh2,000 and Sh7,000 every post. Influencers can earn anything from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars each sponsored post or affiliate link, depending on their popularity.

According to various estimations that have been published, influencers with 100,000–1,000,000 followers could expect to pay an average of $1,643 for a sponsored Instagram post in 2021. The average price per post for users with more than a million followers was $6,015. These numbers are averages; certain influencers may make significantly more or less than these sums.

The salaries of social media influencers in Kenya are not made public, however there are a number of them who are well-known to have sizable fan bases and have collaborated with well-known brands.

Several influencers who work for major brands including Coca-Cola, Safaricom, Samsung, Tuskys, and Nivea who have millions of followers include Huddah Monroe, Betty Kyalo, Bahati, Eric Omondi, and Size8.

It is important to keep in mind that even if these people have developed sizable fan bases and have collaborated with well-known businesses, the exact nature of their collaborations and business arrangements can have a significant impact on their earnings. Together with sponsored content and affiliate marketing, merchandise sales, appearance fees, and speaking engagements are some of the other ways that influencers make money.

However, elements like the platform an influencer uses, their location, and the sector they work in might have an impact on how much money they make.

Influencer marketing on social media will probably continue to be a well-liked method of brand promotion and a lucrative career path for influencers. Success, however, will depend on the capacity to adjust to market developments and the ongoing delivery of value to partners and followers alike.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

benefits of green pepper chilli in our health

benefits of green chili : get to know them

Some people love the distinctive taste of hot pepper in food, which prompts them to add it to their various dishes or even to eat it raw, but what is the truth about the benefits of green hot pepper for your health? Does it have any damages?

Hot green pepper is one of the flavors that many people around the world like. Let's learn about the following about the health benefits of hot green pepper and its nutritional value, in addition to its potential harm:

Benefits of hot green pepper;

Hot green peppers have many different benefits for health and beauty. Here are the most important ones:

1. Promote eye health;

Due to the richness of green hot peppers in vitamin A, eating it regularly may help prevent eye diseases that may appear with age and reduce the chances of infection, especially cataracts.

2. Improve skin appearance;

One of the benefits of hot green pepper is that it may have noticeable positive effects on the skin when consumed regularly within a balanced diet, as hot green pepper contains a high percentage of nutrients, especially vitamin C, which may help the following:

Stimulating collagen production and regeneration of skin cells.

Acne treatment, and prevent future pimples.

Prevention of wrinkles and signs of aging,

3. Losing excess weight:

Eating hot green peppers may help you lose excess weight when consumed, due to the following reasons:

It contains capsaicin, which helps speed up metabolism by slightly raising the internal body temperature.

Its pungent flavor makes it a natural appetite suppressant.

It contains a small amount of calories.

4. Migraine treatment;

One of the benefits of hot green pepper is that it may help treat migraines, because it contains capsaicin, which may have an analgesic effect for various pains, including headaches.

5. Cancer prevention;

Capsaicin, which is present in a high percentage in green hot peppers, may have many benefits when it comes to preventing cancer, as this substance may help prevent the growth and division of cancer cells.

6. Other benefits;

The benefits of hot green peppers are not only limited to what was mentioned, but may have many other potential benefits, such as the following:

Strengthening hair follicles and improving overall hair health.

Mood improvement.

Strengthening the immune system and fighting various infections.

constipation treatment.

Treating the common cold and relieving its symptoms.

vitamin C

242.5 milligrams

Hot green peppers, especially jalapenos, also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such as: vitamin B6, vitamin K, folic acid, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium.

Damage and warnings of hot green pepper

Although the benefits of hot green pepper are many, it has some potential harms that you should be aware of before you start eating it, the most important of which are:

Annoying complications when consumed excessively, such as: severe pain, inflammation, swelling, and redness of the skin.

Various digestive problems, such as: diarrhea, stomach pain, colon irritation, and heartburn.

Negative effect on nerve receptors, which may lead in the long term to reduce the ability to feel pain.

Salmonella poisoning, as some green peppers, especially jalapenos, may be contaminated with salmonella.

Hot green peppers are not suitable for some groups, such as: pregnant women, children, and people with diseases in the immune system.

Nutritional value of hot green pepper,

Hot green pepper contains many essential nutrients, and this is the nutritional value per 100 grams of hot green pepper:




40 calories


9.46 gr


2 gr


0.2 gr


7 milligrams


340 milligrams

Vitamin A

59 mcg

vitamin C

242.5 milligrams

Hot green peppers, especially jalapenos, also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such as: vitamin B6, vitamin K, folic acid, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium.

Damage and warnings of hot green pepper,

Although the benefits of hot green pepper are many, it has some potential harms that you should be aware of before you start eating it, the most important of which are:

Annoying complications when consumed excessively, such as: severe pain, inflammation, swelling, and redness of the skin.

Various digestive problems, such as: diarrhea, stomach pain, colon irritation, and heartburn.

Negative effect on nerve receptors, which may lead in the long term to reduce the ability to feel pain.

Salmonella poisoning, as some green peppers, especially jalapenos, may be contaminated with salmonella.

Hot green peppers are not suitable for some groups, such as: pregnant women, children, and people with diseases in the immune system.
Some people love the distinctive taste of hot pepper in food, which prompts them to add it to their various dishes or even to eat it raw, but what is the truth about the benefits of green hot pepper for your health? Does it have any damages?

Hot green pepper is one of the flavors that many people around the world like. Let's learn about the following about the health benefits of hot green pepper and its nutritional value, in addition to its potential harm:

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Hello welcome yet on onother heatlh tip blog, enjoy reading and leave a comment ,I am your authour zena.

Put all of the ingredients into a blender, and process them until the mixture is completely smooth. 

After pouring a milkshake into a glass, you should immediately start drinking it. hazards that are associated with consuming milk and bananas While milk contains a lot of salt, bananas are a good source of potassium.

Those who have issues with their kidneys may have a difficult time absorbing both of these minerals due to their competition with one another. An unhealthy amount of potassium in the body can also disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart.

 Because osteoporosis is caused by the gradual loss of calcium from the bones, increasing your calcium intake by activities such as drinking excessive amounts of milk or eating an excessive amount of bananas may raise your risk of acquiring the condition.

Instead of drinking milk and bananas together, you may choose to consume a banana with yogurt, milk, or plain water instead. You may also drink milk alone. 

Eating well is one of the most important things you can do to keep your lifestyle healthy, but how can you determine if you're receiving enough of the vital nutrients?

Consuming a wide variety of foods from each of the food groups on a daily basis is the path of least resistance. If you follow these steps, you can be certain that your body is receiving all of the vital nutrients it need in order to perform at its absolute best.

 The information that follows is intended to assist you in getting the most out of your diet: Consume every day a wide range of foods that come from each of the food groups.

This category includes foods such as lean meats, cereals with the hulls intact, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products with a lower fat content. The selection of foods that are low in cholesterol, added sugars, saturated and trans fats, and salt (sodium) is recommended. Be mindful of the size of your servings.

Consuming a lesser quantity of food is required in order to keep the same level of fullness.

 Make it a point to get at least half an hour of physical activity every single day. Adults should strive to participate in at least 150 minutes worth of aerobic activity each week at a moderate level.

Hope the blog was of help thanks. I am Zena let meet on the next one .

Kenya police died over an alshabab attack.

Welcome to my blog .

An unknown number of the Kenya police have allegedly been killed by a suspected Alshabaab militants IED at Dadaab.

 The deputy county commissioner, Mr Kipkirui Siele affirmed this on Tuesday morning.

A few such occurrences have been accounted for in various pieces of the country throughout the long term, the foe being dread gathering Al-Shabaab.

Last December, for example, a Kenya Protection Powers (KDF) officer was killed while four were harmed in an occurrence in Lamu District.

The KDF troops were on the lookout in Mlima Faru when their vehicle set off an IED thought to have been established by the aggressors.

Police officers have also been facing a rough time at the Northern part of Rift valley where many have been killed by suspected cattle rustlers.

 The president has now ordered for the Kenya Defense forces to begin an operation immediately in order to weed out all these bandits and prevent them from killing police and innocent civilians.

Thanks for being part of my blog.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

what to incase of a snake bite.

 it's hard to tell if a snake bite is dangerous. This article will teach you the fundamentals of first aid in the event of a snake bite.
Think about the fact that some people have severe reactions to snake bites because they are allergic to the venom.

What to do if you think a snake bit you:

Don't risk getting bitten again; leave the area immediately. If you can, prod the snake with a stick or anything similar to see if it will escape its confinement.

 Those who have been bitten by a sea snake should be taken to higher ground immediately.

Edema can be made worse by jewelry, so take off your anklets, bracelets, and rings if you've been bitten.

Many people get bitten by snakes, although most of them are harmless.

 However, most people do not die instantly after being bitten by a poisonous snake.

The injured limb should be immobilized with a splint and given plenty of rest.

They are carried on a makeshift stretcher to the closest spot where an ambulance can pick them up.

An excessive amount of tourniquet pressure on the arteries might be fatal.

Those who must be bitten should only do so by neurotoxic snakes that do not induce localized edema.

In extremely unusual circumstances, a pressure pad placed directly to the bite site may be all that's needed.

In the event of an injury, seek professional medical attention immediately.

When a snake bites, its venom seeps into the wound and causes excruciating pain and, in many cases, death.

 Venom from some snakes can paralyze prey or possibly kill them due to the compounds it contains. 

Signs of a potentially fatal bite include pain, swelling, bruising, or bleeding at the bite site.

Fight agnaist bedbugs at home.

Fight  agnaist bedbugs at home is not easy the are are the helpful ways of eradicating them make sure you use some of these way ,like and share the blog.

Bed bugs are very small, measuring
 just five to seven millimeters. They resemble an apple seed in terms of both size and shape. 

These brown oval-shaped insects are notorious for biting and leaving scaly, painful lumps on the skin. They may also result in other serious health effects like anemia and sleeplessness.

You might be surprised to find that a messy home or leftover food won't attract bed bugs. They're actually after blood. Even though they can't fly or jump, these pests manage to enter numerous houses every year. 

The greatest ways to keep bed bugs out of your home can be found in the following section.

How to Keep Bed Bugs Out of Your Home and What Draws Them In.

1. Bed Bugs Are Attracted to Dark Bed Sheets.

Throughout their lives, bed bugs are attracted to a variety of colours, but they tend to assemble near objects that are red and black. They are more predator-resistant because they may mix in with darker colour. To avoid invading your home try to use clear bedsheets of white.

2. Unclean laundry attracts bed bugs.

Keep your dirty laundry off the floor as much as you can since bed bugs are attracted to it because it smells like a potential host.

3. Warmth Attracts Bed Bugs.

Bed bugs are aware that a heat source suggests that a host is probably nearby. No matter what you are wearing or how warm the place is, your body temperature will reveal who you are. So avoid using high heat bulbs.

How to keep bedbugs away.

There are a few things you can do if you want to prevent bed bugs from getting into your house. 

First, check any used furniture or other items for signs of pests and give them a thorough cleaning before bringing them home. 

If you choose to wash the garment, you should use your machine's highest heat setting.

Clean up any debris you can find about your house and wash the guest linens in hot water.

 Check your kids' clothing for bed bugs when they visit their friends' houses. If you notice any indications of bed bugs, wash the person's clothing on high heat because soap and warm water are insufficient to get rid of these insects.

The rise and rise of sustainable fashion

 Before anything else, keep reading! Do you also know what it is, secondly? I had an idea, but I changed my mind and opted to delve further ...