Wednesday, January 25, 2023


I am Zena going to talk more about climate and climate change,it cause welcome to my blog consider subscribing and turn on notifications bell,you are welcome to my blog.

The weather condition prevailing in an area in a general and over long period of time.

Climate change ;
A change in global or regional climate pattern in particular change apparently from the mid of 20 onwards and attributed largely to increases levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce by its fossils.

There are different type of climate change;

Causes of climate change.

a) overfishing;

Fish is one of human main source of protein and a lot of people in the world now rely on this industry,due to the amount of people buying and consuming fish there is now reduction as mount of marine life .

Overfishing has also led to lack of diversity within the oceans. 

b) industrialization;

 Growth of industry has both advantage and disadvantages .

Creation of job opportunities ,people are employed in the industry y and able to have better living class.

Improve on infrastructure, people living around the area tend to enjoys good roads, hospitals and schools.etc

Smokes from the industry led to air borne  illness this affect people living around the area.

Some industry dispose it's waste product carelessly in the river this destroying  all the marine live.
Toxic fumes affect the clouds producing rains which can led to drought thus affect normal place weather.

Deforestation is cutting down of trees either for building or use to make charcoal.
Tree are the source of rains in a place when there is to much cutting of trees without replacing Is done in a place it can cause climate change of a place.

Human activities;
The main cause of climate change, people burn fossil,fuel and convert land from forest to agricultural .

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution people have burned more fossil and change are from forest to farm land.

Farming take up to a lot of green space meaning local environment can be destroyed to created space for farming,these animal produce a lot of green house gases for example methane as well as it also produce extreme amount of waste. 

factory farming I responsible for even more climate issue because of extra pollution it produce and the more animal can hold.

Thank you for following my blog subcribe and follow me I was your author Zena thank you.


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