Friday, January 20, 2023

WAVE OF DEATH;the reality and pain climate change in kenya


In Kenya there's no water for them and their livestock,it hasn't rained for more than three seasons and water has become a precious, commodity in this part of Kenya .

The global climate is changing faster
than anticipated and the effects are
crystal to see what climate change has meant is that, when the rains do come they come at different times and in such extreme volumes that they cause floods, and too little water is siphoning life out of people and their livelihoods, very unusual sites like dead giraffes,donkeys and camels are becoming common in part of Kenya like you hear that this are is still part of northeastern Kenya.

 Some Changing times mean new ways of survival, in recent months after vast the country from North Eastern to coast and to the rift valley, I've been looking at climate change and its effects on people .

I've seen people struggling to survive some people lose their livelihoods, and I've also seen people working extra hard to beat the effects of climate change.
Now this is the story of climate change in Kenya and how people are surviving,
   in Tana River underground w I'mater walls a group of women and men are searching;for the now precious commodity;with a mega drought ongoing and underground water levels decreasing they bhave to dig deeper same day .

Foreign underground water they scoop everything as they pull out a jerrican or two many are waiting outside.

A good number two week ,two young people climb down and foreign thing
 Made them slide but for some their bones and muscle have no power.

 Sickness and lack of food and water is eating away their flesh communities who has been forced to migrate in search of water and pasture for his livestock his cattle mean everything to him it' everything he own .

In Kenya the reality of climate chang is already home droughts are becoming longer and heat waves are becoming hotter.

It's becoming so dry that it's
preserving its victims like never before, people were happy and they were outside the homestead now you see people are all over they do not have anything else to do they don't make the planet unsustainable
because these changes are not just
happening here they are occurring in many parts of the world I've also
realized that everyone must adapt to
survive and those in power must act and act very fast .

Chat Replay is disabled for this have livestock that's why they are here just saying I don't know, and also we are lacking food but my household people love coming my household because I can't give them food and even if we don't have food you  just stay here and be happy together and all these people when when you see them, and try to when they some of them when they remove their shirts you can see that they are very mannered because we are not getting enough I imagine to see people who were thirst or hungry but I've seen people who are actually losing their livelihoods too in many cases seeing depression.

 On top of of hunger and thirst and when it trains floods are sweeping everything on the way. my name is Murray Roberts and I'm here with my partner  and we are dealing with semi-arid Pasta Production so all around this area there are many many many fields that we have planted with the local communities unfortunately many of them are now flooded so where the people were making a good living buying and selling livestock fattening cattle selling hay and so on now the destitute.

First of all the rains this year wer which we can attribute I think to global warming secondly the deforestation is really causing a lot more water to come into the lake than would normally come in forests act like a sponge and with that sponge effect missing then we're starting to look at flash flooding and that water is no longer being held in the Mao up on the Kirito areas and son but they just come it just comes straight down into the lake so that is one thing now the lake itself.

I think the water may have come up something in the region of 50 feet
from the bottom to from where it was to now and in some area,  we're looking at maybe five kilometers that the lake is flooded not to mention Villages schools, dispensaries and so on it's been devastating got cut  to power development has negatively increased the global temperature by over one degree Celsius and the atmosphere is collapsing burning fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide .

It acts like a blanket that absorbs heat waves from the Earth's surface and that keeps the surface warmer than it will be otherwise the problem is carbon dioxide has longer lifespan it lives for more than a hundred years and that is where the problem lies now there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the world we live in hotter than it was during pre-industrial times,the warming is enough to bring about the changes we are calling climate change border is where the story of human survival begins Northeastern is one of the driest places in Kenya .

Locals say heat waves are becoming
intense and more frequent the soils are drying up to a degree never seen before and the results devastating droughts scientists say the planet's temperature has risen unusually fast and the people of Northeastern Kenya are feeling it these people have lived here since th beginning of time resilient and resourceful they have devised survival tactics and
cultures and deep bones with these dry lands but something is changing and it's changing fast unusual sights are becoming too common giraffes donkeys and camels are dying there is no water no pasture for them over 70 percent of livestock here in County have die and it's a big problem for the people again pastoralism is their way of life they depend on livestock for virtually everything the losses are devastating they are just praying for Reigns to come for the partners across the world i don't ignore what's happening in East Africa the food crisis is real I've see it face to face and these people might not be as front page today as Ukraine is but they need us to help them to support
them now more than ever habitats of these dry lands of North Eastern Kenya,  and tana River must adapt to survive well Tana River appears to be a county of contrast  on one hand people are losing their livelihoods carcasses here carcasses them but on the other side and along river Tana, people are putting on a shift for those close to water bodies like river tana adapting means embracing a different way of life crop farming Foreighn this area is still part of Northeastern Kenya just along river China and residents her have decided to do agriculture tapping.

water from the river to change their lives from pastoralists to Farmers and it just looks awesome on one side you can see Mongols on the other side you can see other crops Maize farms and it' just in the North Eastern Kenya it just shows the potential the northern part of Kenya has to turn things around area on the border between Tana River and counties
pastoralists are transitioning to mixed farming is foreign armed with the generator they are pumping water from river tana to irrigate their Farms they do Basin irrigation with a generator pumping water into the canal that eventually flood theirs.

 Farms besides food residents are growing trees which are bringing that cooling effect in a rather hot environment I almost fell and like in many parts of this region there is plenty of pasture for their

There is a  believe that many more people can transition if help is accorded to them Tana River and Northeastern Kenya I realized that something must be done and must be done fast or increased heat waves due to climate change  Premiere.
WAVE OF DEATH: The reality and pain of climate change in Kenya.
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